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Setup Vespper

This guide walks you through on how to setup Vespper on your machien.

Prerequisites πŸ“œβ€‹

Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker & Docker Compose - The app works with Docker containers. To run it, you need to have Docker Desktop, which comes with Docker CLI, Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

Setup πŸŽοΈβ€‹

You can find the installation video here.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone && cd vespper
  2. Copy the .env.example file:

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Launch vault and obtain vault tokens:

    We use Hashicorp Vault to manage secrets such as API tokens, OAuth credentials, etc.

    1. Launch the vault instance:

      docker compose up vault -d
    2. Go to Vault UI: http://localhost:8202

    3. Insert 1 in "Key shares" and "Key threshold" and click "Initialize".

    4. Click "Download keys".

    5. In the JSON file you've downloaded, copy the first value in "keys_base64" and the "root_token" value. These values are going to be used in the next step as HASHICORP_VAULT_UNSEAL_TOKEN and HASHICORP_VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN respectively.

  4. Configure LiteLLM Proxy Server:

    We use LiteLLM Proxy Server to interact with 100+ of models in a unified interface (OpenAI interface).

    1. Copy the example files:

      cp config/litellm/.env.example config/litellm/.env
      cp config/litellm/config.example.yaml config/litellm/config.yaml
    2. Define your OpenAI key and place it inside config/litellm/.env as OPENAI_API_KEY. You can get your API key here. Rest assured, you won't be charged unless you use the API. For more details on pricing, check here.

    3. (Optional) Define custom endpoints. If you want to use other vendors (AWS Bedrock, Azure OpenAI, Anthropic, Hugging Face models, etc), checkout LiteLLM Proxy documentation. You simply need to change config/litellm/.env & config/litellm/config.yaml. Checkout the comments there & LiteLLM's documentation. Note You have to use a vendor that supports function calling.

  5. Open .env in your favorite editor (vim, vscode, emacs, etc):

    vim .env # or emacs or vscode or nano
  6. Update these variables:

    • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN, SLACK_APP_TOKEN and SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET - These variables are needed in order to talk to Vespper on Slack. Please follow this guide to create a new Slack app in your organization.

    • HASHICORP_VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN and HASHICORP_VAULT_UNSEAL_TOKEN - These variables are used to manage your secrets. You should obtain them from the JSON you've downloaded at step 3. root_token=HASHICORP_VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN, keys_base64=HASHICORP_VAULT_UNSEAL_TOKEN

    • (Optional) SMTP_CONNECTION_URL - This variable is needed in order to invite new members to your Vespper organization via email and allow them to use the bot. It's not mandatory if you just want to test Vespper and play with it. If you do want to send invites to your team members, you can use a service like SendGrid/Mailgun. Should follow this pattern: smtp://username:password@domain:port.

  7. Launch the project:

    docker compose up -d

That's it. You should be able to visit Vespper's dashboard in http://localhost:5173. Simply create a user (with the same e-mail as the one in your Slack user) and start to configure your organization.

The next steps are to configure your organization a bit more (connect incident management tools, build a knowledge base, etc). Head over to the Configure & connect section.

Updating Vespper πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈβ€‹

  1. Pull the latest changes:

    git pull
  2. Rebuild images:

    docker-compose up --build -d

Visualize Knowledge Base πŸ—ΊοΈβ€‹

We use ChromaDB as our vector DB. Moreover, we use vector admin in order to see the ingested documents. To use vector admin, simply run this command:

docker compose up vector-admin -d

This command starts vector-admin at port 3001. Head over to http://localhost:3001 and configure your local ChromaDB. Note: Since vector-admin runs inside a docker container, in the "host" field make sure to insert http://host.docker.internal:8000 instead of http://localhost:8000. This is because "localhost" doesn't refer to the host inside the container itself.

Moreover, in the "API Header & Key", you'd need to put "X-Chroma-Token" as the header and the value you have inside .env CHROMA_SERVER_AUTHN_CREDENTIALS as the value.

To learn how to use VectorAdmin, visit the docs.

Next steps​

Now that you have a working environment, go ahead and configure your organization a bit more (connect incident management tools, build a knowledge base, etc). Head over to the Configure & connect section.